Monday, December 4, 2006


It turns out that making life choices are hard. Especially when they involve a whole other human being (my husband) and their money. But, either I do it or I don’t right? So here is what I have come up with so far.

A few summers ago, I worked through a book called The Artists Way, by Julia Cameron. One of the tasks set for me was to write “Morning Pages” every morning for the duration of the eight weeks that I was working through the book. The basic idea of these pages was brain drain. Not to be a diary, but written in longhand, three full pages of whatever happens to pop into my head. Read the book to get the full explanation.

I decided that however I was going to make changes in my life it would be easier if I didn’t have a load of stuff on my mind, sapping my concentration while I needed to get it off my chest. So now, I have begun a new habit. Every morning, the very first thing that I do when I get up is I write my Morning Pages. For the rest of the day, I am free of thought.

The second habit that I have developed is Yoga. I am fairly new to Yoga and throughout the last summer have practiced intermittently whenever I felt the need. It got me through the horse wrangle: a very fast, very steep ride, which jarred my back the first time. After that, I did Yoga on Sundays and felt nothing in my back. But I have felt the need for a new habit to form, in order for me to continue on my practice of Yoga. Now, after my morning pages, I practice Yoga.

I have run into some snags. It turns out that there are sacrifices I have to make. Accomplishing both these tasks is difficult if I don’t allow myself time. I need to get up at least an hour earlier than I would normally. Otherwise, my mind is not on Yoga, it is on everything that I need to do for the day. So I sacrifice sleep. However, I can go to bed earlier, since my husband and I watch T.V. usually before we go to bed. T.V. is not important to me, so it is an easy sacrifice and I get to sleep earlier.

The third habit that I have formed is reading before I go to sleep. I used to believe that I could only read a book if I had time to get through it all in a few days. Otherwise, I would lose interest. This boiled down to me never reading. Now, instead of watching T.V. I lay on my husband’s lap while he watches it. I read. That way I get some reading time in before I go to bed, I can get a little more in when I get into bed, and then I am fully relaxed and ready to fall asleep when I turn the light out. Perfect.

I have it all thought out. Now I just have to keep it in practice. Develop the habit. I’ll let you know if it is still going………