Simple Habits that Help the Environment - Part One
USE LESS TOILET PAPEROK, I know this is a bit of a disgusting one to start off with, but it is so simple.
Be honest, when you pull the paper off the roll, how much of that do you really need? You are probably pulling close to an arm's length right? That's about six sheets. Per wipe. It's not necessary, I promise. You can use at least half that and still keep your hands clean.
So every time you pull the paper off the wall, put half of it back.
You can also save even more per wipe, by folding the paper over after each wipe and wiping again. In theory, you should use a quarter of the toilet paper that you were previously using. Think of the trees you save.
Credit goes to my husband, Jeremiah, for commenting on the amount of toilet paper I was using and forcing me to rethink my bathroom habits. It doesn't take much effort to use less toilet paper. Make it a habit.
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