The Gift of a Good Back Rub - Very Basic Techniques
One of the things I like most in the world is a back rub. It is one of the best presents you can give me.
Because I enjoy them so much I know what feels good, so I also give a good back rub. Something that Jeremiah has capitalized on.
I am not a trained massage therapist, but I don't need to be for Jeremiah to enjoy my touch. I know that improper massaging techniques can do more harm than good, so I do only as much as I know, and most of that is just rubbing in the right places. Here are a few rules I stick by. Please remember that I am not a trained therapist so anything I say here is purely opinion and should not be taken as fact.
1. Always have a
2. Use lots of oil, with delicious fragrances. My favorite is Aura Cacia Aromatherapy Body Oil, which is part of my The edible oils sink in to your skin much better than mineral oils.
TIP On the morning of my wedding, I received a massage. The therapist told me to never buy lotions that contained mineral oil or alcohol, since the alcohol dries the skin, and the mineral oil isn't absorbed but gives a temporary impression of moisturization.
Having said that can give a good back rub through clothes.
3. Never-ever rub the backbone.
4. Always stick to muscle, not bone.
5. Never apply so much pressure that it hurts.
There are some great online resources for massaging techniques. I love the
To me, massage is one of the most natural ways of communicating love, relaxation and healing. For Jeremiah and I it is one of the better ways to maintain our emotional bonds. Also, since Jeremiah has trouble getting to sleep at night, a massage is an immense help to him. Often, after just fifteen minutes, I find that I have massaged him to sleep.
Giving a good massage is a great gift to anybody - your friend, sister, father, uncle, and mother. But especially your spouse.
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