Pound Dogs - Why adopting is the right thing to do.
In a coffee shop in Galt last night, I overheard (as I'm sure the whole place did) a man talking very proudly about the dog he was going to get. From his dialogue I established discovered that he didn't yet know the name of the breed, he hadn't ever owned a dog, he didn't know how much it cost, he didn't know the breed's temperament, he didn't know how much grooming the dog required or whether it needed long walks. He knew he wanted a puppy. And it had to be a lassie dog.
He wants something that will make him look cool. It is a shame that there is no Irresponsible Dog Owner of the Year award. He'd be a finalist.
Meet Chocolat and Simon. Two of the most grateful and loving dogs you'll ever meet. Both mutts. Both intelligent. Both loyal. Both adopted. Because they have been rescued, they are not one of the 7 million adoptable dogs and cats that are killed each year due to overpopulation. Simon came directly from the pound. Chocy was a stray.
Seven Great Reasons to Adopt
1. You save lives.
When you adopt a dog or cat, you save not just one life, but possibly the life of the animal that will fill its space in the adoption cycle.
2. You know what you are getting
What you see is what you get. Unlike puppies and kittens that develop habits and personality traits, an adopted cat or dog can fit straight in to your family.
3. Instant Friends
The bond between a rescued dog and it's owner is just as strong as in those situations where a dog was raised from puppyhood. And you have the added advantage of a grateful dog. Go adopt a dog and then tell me dogs can't be grateful.
4. No inhumane puppy mills or backyard breeders involved.
The above are so irresponsible and disgusting, that is all I will say about them. Sure you can buy from a reputable breeder, but why? There are plenty of purebred dogs waiting to be adopted (for a lot less money).
5. Adoption Counseling
This is something you don't get from a breeder. If you haven't ever owned a dog, or even if you have, adoption counselling is the way to go.
6. Training and Socialisation
A lot of rescue organisations do some training and socialising of dogs, in order to make them more adoptable. Another thing you don't have to do.
7. No Vet Visits
When you get a dog from a pound or rescue organization, the dog will have had all its shots already, so you don't need to spend additional money on them. Also, a lot of rescue organizations will spay or neuter an animal before putting them up for adoption. Another additional expense you don't have to worry about.
Jeremiah and I got
Atticus, Chocy and Simon are just some examples of how wonderful rescue dogs can be, and why adopting is the right thing to do. If you have your heart set on a particular breed, find that breeds rescue organisation. There is bound to be one. See below for some links to good adoption sites.
Just type "dog adoption" or "cat adoption" or "[insert breed] adoption" into your search engine and you will find hundreds of links.
Thank you for referencing Pets911.com in your blog. Since 1998, Pets911.com has been dedicated to seeing lost and homeless pets find their way home.
Through partnerships with shelters and rescues nationwide, Pets911.com brings together nearly 10,000 organizations looking to place homeless animals in loving homes.
Our Lost & Found service has also reunited thousands of lost animals with their families.
Thank you again for pointing potential pet parents to shelter animals at Pets911.com. They make wonderful companions and, as you mentioned, come with lots of good stuff - shots, spay/neuter, socialization testing, etc.
All the best,
Tracyann Mains
Director - Pets911.com
You're welcome. Thank you for doing such a fantastic job.
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