Monday, November 27, 2006


“If we can live with the knowledge that death is our constant companion, traveling on our “left shoulder”, then death can become in the words of Don Juan, our "ally", still fearsome but continually a source of wise counsel. With death’s counsel, the constant awareness of the limit of our time to live and love, we can always be guided to make the best use of our time and live life to the fullest. But, if we are unwilling to fully face the fearsome presence of death on our left shoulder, we deprive ourselves of its counsel and cannot possibly live or love with clarity. When we shy away from death, the ever-changing nature of things, we inevitably shy away from life.”

- M. Scott Peck
The Road Less Traveled

The Road Less Traveled is an excellent source of easy-reading life philosophy. It covers what love is and what love is not; parenting skills that are necessary for any child who is to value himself as an adult; taking control of your life and your decisions.
- Sarah